Left photo shows the Montbretia which was recently moved and leaves now dying off, with mini Cyclamen. The bits of cane sticking up are to remind me where I planted the Allium Purple Sensation at the back and some daffodils in front of them. On the right is the rest of the Cyclamen, the majestic Lobelia Cardinalis and Salvia "Hot Lips" with pretty red and white flowers. It seems like this type Lobelia and the Cyclamen are favoured by slugs and snails!
The gladioli now that they have been moved and replanted in groups, they should make a lovely display next year, plus the old runner bean bed with some plants that were in pots waiting for somewhere to go! I still have some daffodil bulbs which I can plant in groups dotted around this bed. I already have a few tulips where the canes are.
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