Thursday, 9 April, (moving day) was not particularly enjoyable. Having your tails chased by the new owners from 9.30 a.m. is not the best way to be moving house. Their boxes were coming into rooms before we'd had chance to remove all ours. There were four of us acting as removal men, Paul and myself, my friend Angie and d-i-l Tracy. We worked like Trojans all day, not realising how much stuff was still waiting to be packed. Thanks Tracy for the last minute packing, and thanks both for all your hard work.
During the morning we had a delivery of tiles from Wickes and the new freezer came in the afternoon. We finally finished the removal at about 6pm and the only major problem was that one of the beds could not be dismantled to go upstairs. As the staircase is a dog-leg with restricted headroom there was nothing that could be done. We've had to find a buyer for the bed and will replace it in the near future.
It was a bit strange going to bed with no curtains at the windows but it is so nice and quiet here it's a nice change from living on the main road. It's also good for getting up early!
Friday, 10 April. Wow! What a lot of boxes, piled here, there and everywhere. We're walking round them, walking over them and virtually living out of them. Every so often we've had to make a phone call to Tracy and ask where certain items are. It's amazing that she's able to remember exactly what she packed into which box or suitcase and which room it was put in!
Over the Easter break we spent some time in the garden as the weather was sunny and warm, most unusual for a bank holiday! We cleared out the smallest border and planted some alpines and ground cover plants. The rest of the time was spent trying to organise our belongings and make the place a bit more livable. On Sunday we had to ring the electricians as the porch light/outside light/shaver socket were not working. They arranged to come and fix these on Tuesday. Bradley also came on Sunday and make a great job of fitting the vinyl in the main bathroom.
Wednesday, 15 April. The builders came back to finish off a few small jobs, i.e. re-felt the store room roof, fit four radiators, fix some architrave in the utility and fix architrave and the door handle/privacy lock on the downstairs WC door. The decorators were also back after their Easter break and the sun room had the final coat of emulsion, also the kitchen extension.
Thursday, 16 April. Paul was busy fixing towel rails and door hooks and Chris came to connect the computer up and sort out the broadband.
Friday, 17 April. Today we took the opportunity to go shopping, probably the last time before Paul's treatment starts. We had a long list of items we needed. The curtains we originally bought for the loft could not be altered satisfactorily so we returned them for exchange. We managed to get a suitable bathroom cabinet, curtain rails, towel rail for the kitchen and other kitchen items, plus other bits and pieces.
Saturday, 18 April. It's been such a lovely day that we were back in the garden. Paul replaced the slabs which the builders had to remove to install the steel support for the sun room roof. He also cleared out another border and I planted up some potatoes in bags and some vegetable seeds. Neil came to replace the pop up waste in the bathroom which seized up on Friday morning.
Now I can't believe I'm doing this but here are some pictures of the mess we are living in at the moment. It's really hard for someone who is normally organised and keeps a clean and tidy house to be living like this! We can't see the decorators being finished for another couple of weeks and until then not a lot can be done.
The kitchen (no tiles yet so a temporary splashback made from Tyvec so as not to get water down the back of the worktop), four red bell pepper seedlings and some primula plug plants are waiting for their new homes. The sun room is playing host to the dining suite and part of the cooker hood as well as the sofa from the conservatory suite. Tilly is enjoying her tea! She seems to be as happy and settled in her new home as we are:
We're still missing the last worktop, hopefully it will be fitted soon and I can get the hob fixed and get back to cooking with gas. At least the other side is useable although with all the dust still floating around it doesn't stay clean for long:
The living room which not only has the new suite (still in wraps) but the two chairs from the conservatory suite, kitchen wortops, kitchen flooring, boxes destined for different rooms and the office furniture (goodness knows what we'll do with that!):
One of the bedrooms. What do you think of the designer curtains!!! You too can follow this new trend by saving the boxes from your kitchen cabinets! The wardrobes are too big (I did tell him but he didn't believe me!) and will eventually be replaced:
The other bedroom (I've no idea what's in the blue cases, I really must ask Tracy! Clothes currently in use are in a suitcase on the floor behind the bookcase):
The loft:
My five bags of potatoes, plus my planters - carrots in one and leeks in the other:
The two borders that have been cleared, the left hand one is planted with alpines and ground cover, the right hand one has a fuschia which we inherited from the previous owners and will have my dwarf runner beans. Various tubs with shrubs and plants we brought from the other house which we'll replant when we get around to doing a bit more in the garden:
These are the violas that Molly planted for Nanny and Grandad (with a little help from Mommy).
1 comment:
Congratulations on moving in! I'm so glad I'm way past that stage now.
I love your kitchen. In fact the doors look similar to what I first picked out when we were looking. I love white gloss, but I think it might get out of date and look old fashioned, where as wood always looks good imo. My parents have their Oak kitchen for 25 years and it looks good now.
Thanks for the curtain tip - I really could have used that 6 months ago. Instead I taped up bed sheets!
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